Brain Tumor Testimony
In 1997, I was actively showing Racking horses in RHBAA shows. A friend told me about an internet site for horse people over the age of 50, and I joined the site right away. In those days I had to use AOL to get in line. I could chat with others who were using AOL and were on the horse site as well. One of those friends was a man who called himself, UGLY. His name was Royce Hobbs who lived in Kaufman Texas. He and I chatted quite often in AOL, so we had gotten to know each other very well. One evening, he told me that he had bad news at the doctor’s that day. They had told him that he had 2 tumors on his brain. I wanted to do everything I could to help him, so I got his address and sent him a collection of cassette tapes of Brother Martin’s services. After that, I didn’t see him on line for a few weeks. Then, one night, he was on chat telling me he had a story for me. He said he took those tapes out in the desert and listened to them all. He spent hours praying along with Brother Martin, then he said God hit him like a lightening bolt, and he knew he was healed. A day or two later, he went to his doctor for an MRI. He told the doctors they wouldn’t find anything because God had healed him. Sure enough, they didn’t!!!! The results showed no tumors were there! He said that now everybody was calling him the preacher in overalls! God had used Brother Martin’s tapes to change his life! Praise God!
Ann Jones
Couple Received a Child After Prayer!
My son, David, married in 1995 and soon he and his wife were expecting their first child.All of us were so excited, primarily because we had experienced the loss of his brother, Jeff, less than two years before. in the latter part of this pregnancy, they were told that the fetus had no kidneys and would not survive. Sadly, a beautiful infant was stillborn at seven months. in a year, they became pregnant again, but lost this child to miscarriage. I had seen Brother Martin and suggested they go to him for prayer. They saw him at The Congregational Holiness Church in Cedartown, Georgia with Pastor Pierce Ashmore and received prayer for their situation. Nine months later, God blessed us with my granddaughter, Anna Gail!! She just had her twentieth birthday, and is attending the University of Kentucky. What a joy she is to us all! Thank you, Jesus, and Brother Martin, for doing His will!
Ann Jones
Fever Broken!
My husband and I adopted a precious baby boy last year from foster care!!! He is a miracle, blessing, and a promise from Almighty God In so many ways!!! We lost 4 babies and had a stillborn baby girl “ Selah Grace” back in 2014! I remember messaging brother Martin during our losses and years ago he gave me a word that God had a baby for me!!! It was prophesied by my previous pastor, Pastor Hammontree God had a boy for us!!! Many other ministers continued to prophesy that we would have a male child to be used by God in a mighty way!!! I have stood on that promise!!! July 24, 2018 God showed up!!! We adopted little Kingston Gabriel! He was a drug baby and since we had him since he was 3 months old he had struggled with extremely high fevers, colds, viruses, rounds of the flu etc... His immune system struggled to fight off these infections! Countless times we’ve been at the E.R. , numerous Drs. visit!! We also went through a time he almost bled to death and was hospitalized due to an artery that wasn’t stitched properly in a surgery he had! Back in February I tagged Brother Martin to pray for Kingston because we couldn’t get his high fever down. Fevers were 104, 105.2 etc.... I was feeling so afraid and Brother Martin felt led to call and pray for Kingston!!!! His fevers started breaking and he is doing so much better!!! I’m so blessed by Milton Martin ministries!!! His family will always be like family to me!!! He has such an anointing from God!!!! There are only times God only knows the truth in our hearts yet he reveals it to Brother Martin!!!! My family loves and appreciates your ministry!!!!! Be blessed!!!!
Miriam Reece Butler
Excerpt from the book Nothing Wasted by Charles Reese:
Brother Wallace had a brother named Sam. Sam and Wallace had a godly mother who prayed for them for years. I felt the Lord tell me it was time for a revival meeting, and that I was to call a good friend of mine, Evangelist Milton Martin, Jr. I called and found him in a meeting in Rome, Georgia.
I asked if he could come and hold the meetings for us. He came and spent most of the time with during the day in prayer for thee meeting.
One night he asked at the close of the service, " Is there a Samuel, Sammy or Sam here. Some one with the name of Sam, God has been dealing with me all day that He has a message for this person."
There was no response.
Then Wallace's sister stood and said, " I've got a brother named Sam."
"Tell him to be here tomorrow night. God's got a word for him."
Sam hauled logs. The first time I saw Sam was at his home.Wallace asked me to go with him to visit Sam. the second time I saw him he was in jail.
The next night Sam came to the meeting. At the close of the service the question was asked, " Is Sam here tonight?"
"Right here, Preacher," Sam said as he raised his one arm.
"Come on down here, Sam." Sam got up and walked down the aisle to the front of the church.
"Sam," Milton said, " This doesn't make any sense to me, but God said the men on the street have been wondering where you have been for the past thirty years."
Then Milton placed his hand on each side of Sam's rib cage and began to pray forcibly. Sam raised his hand and began to pray.
Sam was the town drunk. He would drink a fifth of liquor for breakfast, get in his log truck and then drank another fifth of liquor before lunch.
Instantly God delivered Sam for this alcoholic addiction. The next week Sam went home and God baptized him in the Holy Spirit.
Sam told me, " Preacher, over thirty years ago god called me to preach.I have been running from God ever since."
I asked him how he lost his arm. He said he was with another man's wife when the man came in and caught him. When the husband raised the shotgun, Sam ran around the wall. The blast cost him his arm.
Sam's life was changed. I had him preach for me several times and when he would go with me to other churches in the section I had him preach for me a few times then.
His preaching was like he was rough and unpolished. His sincerity came through and it touched a lot of lives. Most of the people knew Sam, or knew of him. The transformation of his life was a testimony of the power of God to deliver.