"It was in Brazil that I encountered miracles and mice. Actually they were rats. We stayed in the home of a church family in Belen for the days of the conference. I had not counted on a rat in my bed, but there one appeared for two successive nights. Evangelist Milton Martin who was traveling with me experienced no such problem. How could it be that I was so lucky! Yet, as always,the success of the church and the progress of the church work made such 'inconveniences' seem minor."
"A more startling occurrence was the miracle of our trip. Our schedule indicated we were to visit the city of Manacapuru the very end of the only road out of Manaus. Transportation was needed, but the only car available belonged to one of our church members who had lost his eyesight. No problem! At the end of the evening service in Manaus, Evangelist Martin called the owner of the car to come forward for prayer.The healing was truly miraculous. With restored sight, the man appeared promptly the next day and drove us down the jungle road to our destination."