Bro. Martin,
I can't thank you enough for being obedient to God and for being such an awesome vessel for God to work through you to deliver my healing. I'll try to make this testimony as detailed as possible and still get to church in time for the last day of revival.
On 28 Jan, 2007, I attended the first day of revival not expecting to be healed but at least to feel the awesome power of God. I fractured my right hip Sept. 2004 from one too many parachute jumps while serving in the Army for 22 yrs. I had to have surgery in July 2005 to remove a piece of bone from the socket and they told me to not run or jump again but to ride a bike for exercise. We hoped the surgery would fix the pain but I found myself never fully recovering and in worse condition. The doctors decided I should have a total hip replacement in May 2006 so I decided I would retire from the Army since I couldn't do the things I needed to do as a leader. God allowed me to play basketball with my son before the last surgery during a men's conference and that blessed me immeasurably, but I paid for it the next day. Other than that day, I had not ran since Sept. 2004 up until the revival.
I had been taking Morphine, Oxycodone and Motrin since the injury without experiencing more than 2 days without taking several medications a day, applying ice and/or going to the emergency room to receive a shot to relieve the pain. I was even vomiting from the pain and using a cane not 2 weeks prior to the revivaI. I felt like God was healing me on Jan 26th, and didn't take a pain pill at all up until that night.
I felt better but not healed until you called me out that night. You said that there was a man in the service who had been suffering with right hip pain, that God was healing him and asked who it was. I immediately got up and began to claim my healing and began crying as I walked forward. I had my eyes closed and didn't realize that when you prayed for me you kicked my hip and I fell out in the Spirit. I layed there on the floor as God began operating on me. When I got up, I felt the Lord telling me I was healed and that I could run. I said to the Lord I didn't want to do anything in the flesh and if He wanted me to run, prove to me first that I could. Without telling my wife what I was doing, I left the church and walked outside crying harder and talking to God. I told Him I knew he didn't want me to stay in this condition at only 40 years old and that he knew how much I missed being active. He again told me I could run, so I did.
I started jogging around the church and began to pick up the pace after 20 yards realizing that I had no pain anywhere. I went 3 laps around the church at almost a sprint praising God as I was running by myself in the dark. I realized quickly that not only was I healed, but I was out of shape! I smiled and was praising God as I walked back into the church. I expected to testify at what God just did but not run the isles as I'm a very conservative man. You had not seen me walking up to the front of the church at that time and asked where I was and how I was doing. At that point, the Lord told me to run again so I did. I ran as if I was not in control of my own body or my vocal cords as I let out an occasional yell of praise, yet fully conscious that God wanted to prove not only to me outside, but to my family and everyone in attendance that night that He still is in the healing business.
I have since jogged at work to get keys for vehicles (I'm a car salesman now) and everyone who knows how much pain I have been in over the past 3 months of working there couldn't believe the change and asked me how I went from a cane and vomiting to running in a few days time. I told them God healed me the night prior during a revival at my church. They didn't believe me but I asked them if any of them could take credit for my healing and they all said no-of course. I told them they could disbelieve if they chose to, but I know that before that night, I couldn't run at all, and afterward I could run pretty well AND without pain. I haven't had any pain since and testify every time I get the chance that God healed me. I've also jogged every day since that night and have no pain whatsoever! Praise God!!!!!!!
The next night you called out the name Ford and asked the congregation who had the connection with that name. I jogged up the steps to the podium and told you I worked for a Ford dealership and you blessed me again with prophesy and prayer. I thank you again and forever remember the night God turned my gloomy outlook on my condition to one of excitement and great expectation!
God bless you, your family and you ministry!
John Sapp
Rivers of Living Water Church of God
Fayetteville, NC